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Case Hildebrandt posted an update 2 years, 10 months ago
Cap table Convertible Notes are loans that allow the buyer to convert a cap table loan into an unsecured note. startups is simply a regular note, but one that has been modified to exclude certain features that are usually required for obtaining a cap note. In the past, it was common for cap table notes to only accept properties owned by the buyer at the time of purchase. However, startups are beginning to offer these notes regardless of ownership.
Why would someone want to sell a cap note? Simply put, it allows the buyer to purchase the property, and walk away from the deal without owing any money. Furthermore, if the property does not appreciate, the buyer can still walk away from the deal with a profit because there is no loan on the property. Many buyers feel this way even after they have made the purchase.
In order to sell such a note, a buyer will need to find a note holder. The note holder is the one who must sign the sales contract with the buyer and provide all the documentation needed to close the sale. One reason some sellers of this type of note may not want to have someone do this is because it can be a lengthy process. If startups wishes to purchase a property with such a note in place, he will also have to apply for the same. This can be a lengthy and frustrating process.
So, how does one go about finding someone to buy their cap note? startups seems logical to assume that the best way would be to contact the bank where the property is held. This could make things complicated, as the rules for cap loans may differ from one bank to another. Another alternative would be to talk to other business owners, perhaps those who have previously sold a cap loan.
When someone has sold a cap loan, it is important to understand that there may be additional steps involved in the selling of the note. For example, some banks require that the purchaser have had a significant period of experience in obtaining financing for this type of loan. While this certainly may help the purchaser, it could also limit him or her to one type of lender. It is important to understand all of the requirements of the note before approaching a buyer.
When the buyer approaches you for information on your cap loan, one thing he or she may want to know is what type of payment terms were agreed to when you sold the note. Did the buyer pay cash? Is the buyer paying by credit card? Were there any fees or penalties assessed? If there are any fees associated with the sale of the note, these should be clearly listed out and described on the sales contract.
It is important that the note be clearly explained so that no misunderstanding occurs. If the buyer is unclear about something, it may make the deal fall through. If the cap loan purchaser is unclear about the cap table, it may be best to explain it to them before they proceed with the sale.
The final steps in the process include the title search. At this point, if there are any outstanding liens or back taxes on the property, they must be paid off before the buyer can transfer the note. The closing can take place at any one of several legal entities; usually, the buyer would use their local attorney. The buyer will typically receive the keys to the property upon the closing.