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Egholm Bauer posted an update 2 years, 12 months ago
Your liver is the largest physical organ inside body. It is involved in digestion, metabolism, storage and distribution of nourishment, filtration, detoxification, and immune function.
You’d think having short legs would not be an issue. Less body to nourish and protect, right? But according to the online article, “The Ten Weirdest Clues to Your Body’s Health,” it’s not the case!
“If your legs take presctiption the stocky side, you may have to take better good care of your liver. In a 2008 study, British researchers found that women with legs between 20 and 29 inches tended to possess higher levels of four enzymes that indicate liver disease. Factors including childhood nutrition might not only influence growth patterns, and also liver development well into adulthood, say researchers.
Prevent it: Avoid experience toxins your liver must process, which keeps it healthier, longer. Wear a mask and gloves while cleaning or working together with any sort of harsh chemical. Limit alcohol intake to a single 5-ounce glass of wine or 12-ounce bottle of beer daily.”
Eden Energy Medicine might be another easy way to support your Liver’s health. Massaging both your hands and feet on a regular basis can keep your liver strong and healthy. It’s a lovely type of self-care as well, which could take place in a bubble bath, in bed, as you’re watching a good movie or paying attention to good music. If you have a partner that you experienced, try trading foot and hand massages as being a kind of nurturing, nonsexual touch.
The acupuncture points around the feet which can be most beneficial for keeping your liver clear are located on the “V” where the big toe meets the 2nd toe for the top of the foot at the lower metatarsal bridge. If nothing else, be sure you massage these “source points” of Liver chi more than once a day.
Your liver is very important to hormonal health. If you have PMS, sedating Liver Meridian might help immensely with groin pain. The simplest way to sedate Liver Meridian is to lay down make your fingertips where your legs put on your body. Rest in this pose for two main to 3 minutes.
You could also sedate your Liver Meridian by holding specific acupuncture points. This is known as acupressure and it’s also the best. Here’s how:
1. Simultaneously place the middle finger of one hand on Liver 2 (within big toe or hallux where it meets the foot) along with the other hand on Heart 8 (create a fist; see in which the pinky touches the palm? That’s Heart 8). Press in lightly. Hold for two main minutes.
2. Repeat on the other side.
3. Then position the middle finger of one hand on Liver 4 (just a little dip before the anklebone) and the middle finger from the other hand on Lung 8 (around the crease in the wrist just beneath the thumb).
Don’t panic about pinpoint accuracy. Meridian points have a very array of any money to a quarter. So if you have your finger in the general area, you are probably fine!
Finally, our meridians reply to our thoughts. The emotional polarity of Liver meridian will be the dance between guilt and self-acceptance. If additional resources is an issue to suit your needs, try nurturing your Liver energy daily while using words, “I am kind to myself.”
If you do these exercises regularly, you can expect to feel better physically and emotionally.