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HenriettaFranklin posted an update 4 months, 1 week ago
Indijska vlada ima poticajne vijesti za sve planirane goste u Indiji. Stjecanje indijske vize sada je postalo jasnije nego ikada prije. S predstavljanjem okvira eVisa India – Indian Visa Online, putnici iz više od 171 kvalificirane zemlje sada mogu podnijeti zahtjev za vizu elektroničkim putem, odbacujući zahtjev za stvarnim posjetom konzulatu ili dobivanjem naljepnice vize u identifikaciji. Ova nova interakcija uključuje besplatnu prijavu i odjeljak za stipendije u Indiji za različite svrhe, uključujući turističku industriju, obiteljske posjete, konferencije, kliničke razloge ili sastanke, za boravke od čak 180 dana. Kandidati mogu dovršiti prijavu na webu, platiti rate putem kreditne ili debitne kartice i prihvatiti svoju eVisa putem e-pošte, bez očekivanja posjeta indijskom uredu. Predlažemo da se prijavite otprilike tri dana prije izlaska. Ova je pomoć dostupna putnicima na odmoru, poslovnim istraživačima i kliničkim gostima. The Indian government has energizing news for all planned guests to India. Acquiring an Indian visa has now become more clear than any other time. With the presentation of the eVisa India – Indian Visa Online framework, voyagers from more than 171 qualified nations can now apply for a visa electronically, disposing of the requirement for actual visits to a consulate or getting a visa sticker in their identification. This new interaction considers bother free applications and grants section into India for different purposes, including the travel industry, family visits, conferences, clinical reasons, or meetings, for stays of as long as 180 days. Candidates can finish the application on the web, make installments through credit or debit card, and accept their eVisa by email, without expecting to visit an Indian office. We suggest applying something like three days before your outing. This help is accessible to vacationers, business explorers, and clinical guests the same.
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